Payment options

The payment for all our services is accepted only through the cryptocurrency USDT.

Those who are novices in the field of cryptocurrencies have now a very easy option through Telegram. You can just create a wallet there and buy the necessary amount of USDT.

Our clients in the US who can not use the Telegram option can definitely use other platforms to obtain the USDT, including Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, etc.

Good news for our TOEFL clients!

Our prospective clients for the TOEFL Home Edition exam can be happy as from now we can help them not only with the Reading, Listening and Writing sections of the exam but also with the Speaking section! And this is something even our strongest competitors can not propose.

Which simply means that even if you need a 110+ score on the TOEFL – we will make sure that you get it.

Payment policy for our services

Normally and in terms of payment policy for our services, we apply the same approach as our competitors, more exactly 50% payment before the exam and 50% after your exam session with obtainment of the desired score.

However, we are open to work on a post-test payment and on a case-by-case basis, but keep in mind that this option includes several prerequisites:

  • The total amount to be paid for the option without payment in advance will be at least 40-50% higher than the rate applied in the option with payment in advance.
  • You will need to prove that you have full financial capacity before carrying out our service. More precisely to prove that you have the full necessary amount on your crypto wallet in USDT before taking the exam.
  • You will also need to prove your identity and finally we will keep control of your exam account until full payment for our services after the exam session.