Duolingo English Test promotional period

For a short period of time prices for our services with the Duolingo English Test (DET) start from 800$, with 50% payment before the exam and 50% after score receipt.

Take advantage of this promotional period and obtain the DET score you need!

Questions leaks services

In addition to our Live exam help services, both in the Home Edition version and within delivery in exam centers, we remind our customers that we also have questions leaks for such exams as the ACT (American College Testing) or the FRM (Financial Risk Manager), from recent sessions. Several sets of questions available at very attractive prices.

For more information and order simply contact us https://t.me/intexams_su

Partnership with testing centers

In addition to our services within the Home Edition version of international standardized exams, we also have extensive experience working with exams delivered in exam centers.

Experts in the field know that security measures in exam centers are changing and becoming much stricter. And it is in this orientation that we can undoubtedly collaborate, in mutual interest.

So if you are an owner, administrator of an exam center with a portfolio of clients requiring special services in obtaining necessary scores or simply a professional with a large network of clients and you have physical access to the exams rooms with computers, you can contact us and we will see how we can be of use to each other.

The exams concerned by such a possible partnership are numerous: TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, TOEIC, ACT, but also many others. Let’s move forward together!

The GMAT Focus Edition

Starting February 1, 2024, the only version of the GMAT available for candidates to take will be the updated GMAT Focus Edition following the sunset of the previous GMAT Exam on January 31, 2024.


At our level, there is no change. We will continue to offer our GMAT services, now only and specifically in its Focus edition.