Please keep in mind that before each Duolingo English Test real exam – we always do a joint practice test and so with each client. In order to have a clear understanding of what we can achieve in each particular case.
Tag: Duolingo English Test
Promotional period for the DET
Great news for our Duolingo English Test customers!
In order to continue celebrating the new year and for a short period of time, our team has decided to launch a promotional offer. For a score of 100+ on the DET, prices will start from $200.
Please not that this promotional offer will be valid for a short period of time. Thank you!
DET secondary camera requirement
Some of you have already received such announcement, which concerns the requirement to use a smartphone as a secondary camera to record your entire Duolingo English Test session.
If this is definitely a major issue and challenge for some services providers, for our team there is absolutely no change in terms of working process. We continue to provide help for all the Duolingo English Test clients as previously. Thank you for your attention!
Another success on the DET
Proud of our team’s new achievement on the Duolingo English Test. A score of 100+ was needed, result obtained.
Duolingo English Test new subscores
Starting from the beginning of this month, the Duolingo English Test score report includes individual subscores (Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening).
In terms of our services, there are no changes. Client needed an overall score of 80+. Goal achieved.
DET promotional period
For a short period of time, the price for our Duolingo English Test services starts from 600 dollars.
Information for the Duolingo English Test
To the attention of our prospective clients for the Duolingo English Test who are in Turkey or are ready to travel there (the city of Istanbul).
We have now the opportunity to help you in Istanbul by providing all the necessary equipment and our specialists in a physical office, in addition to our online services. For more information, contact us.
Duolingo İngilizce Testi için Türkiye’de bulunan veya oraya (İstanbul şehri) seyahat etmeye hazır olan potansiyel müşterilerimizin dikkatine.
Artık online hizmetlerimizin yanı sıra fiziki bir ofiste gerekli tüm ekipmanları ve uzmanlarımızı sağlayarak size İstanbul’da yardımcı olma fırsatına sahibiz. Daha fazla bilgi için bizimle iletişime geçin.
Вниманию наших будущих клиентов по экзамену Duolingo English Test, находящихся в Турции или готовых приехать (город Стамбул).
Теперь у нас есть возможность помочь вам в Стамбуле, предоставив все необходимое оборудование и наших специалистов в физическом офисе, в дополнение к нашим онлайн услугам. Свяжитесь с нами для более подробной информации.
DET new achievement
Client needed to get a score of 100+ on the Duolingo English Test. Mission achieved!
Duolingo English Test: this is how we do
Full remote control during your DET exam and as result – the score you need!
Choosing the Right Path: Comparison of Duolingo English Test (DET) with TOEFL and IELTS
An interesting article to read: