Exams proctored online & other benefits

We are very glad to announce that our team is now working with all main exams proctored online, including GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, Duolingo English Test, IELTS, TOEIC, PTE, and others.

Also, we offer now the possibility to pay for our services after score receipt. Feel free to contact us https://t.me/intexams_su

Partnership with testing centers

In addition to our services within the Home Edition version of international standardized exams, we also have extensive experience working with exams delivered in exam centers.

Experts in the field know that security measures in exam centers are changing and becoming much stricter. And it is in this orientation that we can undoubtedly collaborate, in mutual interest.

So if you are an owner, administrator of an exam center with a portfolio of clients requiring special services in obtaining necessary scores or simply a professional with a large network of clients and you have physical access to the exams rooms with computers, you can contact us and we will see how we can be of use to each other.

The exams concerned by such a possible partnership are numerous: TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, TOEIC, ACT, but also many others. Let’s move forward together!

A little overwiew of how our hidden remote control looks like.

In summary – take a seat comfortably, let us manage your exam and get the score you need. Our professional team, as well as sophisticated and undetectable technology, allow us to successfully achieve your goal!


What we do?

We provide remote support for your exam on test day. All you will need is a computer on which we will install remotely our special software. This will allow us to take full control of your machine during the test day and our test experts will ensure the highest score for you.